Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Creating my blog

I feel about as comfortable creating this blog as I would walking naked through a shopping mall. However, that is not to say I would not look if someone else chose to take their clothes off, just as I am happy to read other people’s blogs. While the idea of exposing my personal thoughts and feelings to strangers who surf the net frightens and intimidates me, at the same time I am excited to be discovering new skills. Does this make me some sort of voyeur?


NSL Training Support Team said...

It is quite common to feel exposed when you first start blogging, but later on you will feel more comfortable about it. And you are not a voyeur - bloggers love it when people read their blogs and post comments. It is all about conversation and sharing thoughts. Enjoy the journey of discovery. It is exciting!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Day Dreamer,

You will find that you enjoy blogging so much and meet so many lovely friends from all around the world.
You can moderate the comments if you do not wish them to be there.
Enjoy your blog and I am sure you will have fun.
I must warn you though it can take a lot of your time.
Many thanks for dropping by to visit Draffin Bears.



Day Dreamer said...

NSL Support Team and Draffin Bears,
Thank you both so much for your encouragement. Already I am enjoying visiting other blogs and feeling much more confident about my own. You are right, Carolyn, it does take a lot of time!