Thursday, July 30, 2009

Discovering Flickr

I cannot believe I have been unaware of this amazing world of images for so long ... why didn't someone introduce Flickr to me before now!! I could spend days, no - weeks, months - looking and looking at such beautiful pictures. Explore, Calendar and the Last 7 days were all fantastic and the Tour was very informative. I found it easy to search for something that interested me and am tempted to open a Flickr account so I can add some really great pictures to my blog. Meantime, these two by ViaMoi I found particularly fascinating ... they remind me of the domes I had as a child, the ones that had a winter scene and when you shook it, it snowed. How I would love to be able to take such wonderful close-ups!

Here is a photo of a begonia in my garden.

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

That's the great thing about doing this programme - it will open you up to a whole lot of things out there that we might never find out about!