Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Searching Twitter

Watched the video and tried out several of the search options … using ‘library’ and ‘Jill Mansell’ as keyword search terms. From there looked at a few Twitter accounts under ‘library’ and also looked at Jill Mansell’s Twitter account. (Met Jill Mansell when she visited New Zealand last year and she said she has some gizmo on her computer which alerts her every time she is blogged or twittered, and she usually responds in person. Checked it out and she does!) But the tweets really didn’t make any sense to me.

I then took a look at Alltop and discovered a tweet which led to a blog which led to a video of a groom who whipped out his mobile to update his status on Facebook, moments after the celebrant pronounced them husband and wife!! Is this really the sort of ‘breaking news’ I need to know?

Sorry, still not convinced Twitter is for me. Photo by Southernpixel

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